Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Graduate

So I saw 'The Graduate' for the first time at the SLC. Overall, it was very funny movie with a small dash of some very twisted plots. Through the laughter though I couldn't help but feel sorry for the vixen, Mrs. Robinson. Yes, yes I know she was a little vindictive and manipulative but part of me can't help but wonder if that is her natural character or a product of years of an unhappy marriage. Although marrying someone because you have a child with them is noble and ethically right, I wonder if sometimes God doesn't mind if you decide to take the alternative and remain unwed. Although, I think that question might be a little to broad, and would be better off being tailored to the situation. God is ever so gracious so I assume he would not be willing to have you be miserable for the sake of marriage, but then again faith and willingness to live according to his will would probably mean things would be better off if you left it up to him and not so much to your own judgements. I think God could always find the good within the bad, and I think because he is 'love', he remains faithful and patient through the most difficult of decisions as long as you allow him to. So, don't you see Mrs. Robinson? Jesus loves you more than you could know.

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