Monday, January 8, 2007

brain pain

There has to be a reason for this distraction.
Small little pins develop in my head and yet I find no basis for this occurrence.
My subconscious must be pissed at me somehow.
I've done something unintentionally and now my mind must punish me by punishing itself and so I daydream of lobotomies.
Simple headaches. No. Simply everyday. Yes.
It makes me think though, and I think and feel the need to write.
About? About the meaning behind the pain, and if the cause is the elements (the doctors say I have bad sinuses) or if it is my brain signally to me that something I'm thinking or haven't thought of is of some harm or of some great importance. Is my subconscious so smart that my headaches are really just smoke signals to my conscience that something needs to be thought of. I wonder. I wonder more than ever now because my headache meds no longer work and I'm left wondering if my subconscious has found a way to dodge the tranquility of modern science.

Smart subconscious.

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