Thursday, February 15, 2007


i am an entirety

whole. satisfied. fulfilled.

i am the essence of a sphere. the roundness of circle. a mind in thought and then a thought to mind.
i am complete.
be it my convictions to blush at such a bold declaration, yet this present second concedes that i am happy.
maybe it is an emotion, whether fleeting or concrete, it stands that i am able to retain the shape of absoluteness.
yet where does this confession stem?
not within my humanity. for my humanity has brought me squares, ovals, and triangles. misshaped deficents of form.

no. god is wholeness. god is circle, god is sphere. i realize that i merely prance upon pre-drawn lines that characterized my developed shape. god is my shape. the more i blend the more i bend. smooth curves of contentment.
i am complete.

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