Sunday, March 25, 2007


I'm engaged
People keep asking me if I feel any different since I've been so
I guess in a way I do.
Since Micah is the only man I've ever consisdered marrying I guess there is a greater sense of commitment and belonging that I have with him.
With this new sense of commitment comes many new changes, some are easy and the others are rather difficult.
At times changing my old ways can be extremely hard, luckily I'm weird and I like the task of having to alter my mentality, in this case I'm having to think in a sense of 'we' instead of just 'me'.
I've thought about myself for so long it will be a nice change to think in terms of another being, selfless and considerate though trying to overcome selfish desires.
I like being engaged.
I think I'll like marriage ever better because of the challenges it will pose and the outcomes are determined by your actions.
I like knowing that God has an ultimate plan for us but he also gives us control to shape of lives.
These are exciting times.